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General terms and conditions of sale Maastricht Muffin Man.
The general terms and conditions of sale apply to all orders from and payments to, Maastricht Muffin Man. Deviation from these terms and conditions can only be made in advance, in writing and explicitly on points, with the other provisions remaining in full force. By placing an order, the customer of Maastricht Muffin Man indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Declaration of personal use
Products purchased from Maastricht Muffin Man are intended for the customer’s personal use. Under no circumstances may products be resold to third parties, unless otherwise agreed. Neither the brand name nor the logo of Maastricht Muffin Man may be used.
Maastricht Muffin Man is an artisanal bakery. Products are made by hand. The shape, colour, texture, taste and weight of a product may differ from its description and from the photo shown with the product. In addition, with baked goods, due to differences in the regions of origin and of harvest quality of the grain, variations in texture and taste may occur. This is not a shortcoming of the product, but the result of manual production without the addition of an improver.
Prices from Maastricht Muffin Man are without obligation. Maastricht Muffin Man accepts no liability for misprints or printing errors. Maastricht Muffin Man reserves the right to immediately pass on changes in cost prices, labour costs or (legal) regulations. All applicable prices are always inclusive of VAT.
By placing an order in the store, by phone or through the webshop, the agreement is a fact. Maastricht Muffin Man reserves the right to refuse orders without giving reasons, or to attach conditions to them, such as asking for a deposit (does not apply to the webshop).
The customer fulfils at Maastricht Muffin Man the obligation, which arises from the agreement mentioned under point “Orders”, by means of various payment gateways through the webshop, or by cash payment in our store in case of an order placed by phone or on the spot, unless otherwise discussed.
The customer is obliged to inspect the goods immediately upon receipt. Mishaps and defects visible upon receipt must be reported to Maastricht Muffin Man within one day of receipt, on pain of forfeiting all rights resulting therefrom. Complaints must be submitted to L Maastricht Muffin Man by telephone or e-mail (, specifying the nature of the complaints with respect to the goods delivered, and preferably with the addition of a photo of the product in question. Maastricht Muffin Man shall have the option of replacing the product in question with a new product or refunding the invoice value thereof, at its discretion.
Transfer of risk and ownership
The risk of the product being delivered is transferred from Maastricht Muffin Man to the customer as soon as the transfer of the products to the customer has taken place.
Maastricht Muffin Man shall not be liable for any damage which is not attributable to intent or gross negligence on the part of Maastricht Muffin Man or which has been caused by circumstances which are not at the risk of Maastricht Muffin Man. Maastricht Muffin Man bears no responsibility for information, photos and other forms of information materials insofar as they are published under the responsibility of third parties. Maastricht Muffin Man also bears no responsibility for actions and/or shortcomings of third parties. Maastricht Muffin Man shall not be liable for misunderstandings, delays or improper transmission of orders and messages resulting from the use of the Internet or any other means of communication between the customer and Maastricht Muffin Man, unless and insofar as there has been intent or gross negligence on the part of Maastricht Muffin Man. Liability for damage for which the customer is already insured is excluded at all times by Maastricht Muffin Man.
In the event of force majeure Maastricht Muffin Man shall be entitled, at its own discretion, to suspend the fulfilment of any order or to dissolve the order without judicial intervention, by notifying the customer in writing or by telephone and without Maastricht Muffin Man being liable to pay any compensation, unless this would be unacceptable according to the standards of reasonableness and fairness under the given circumstances. Force majeure is defined as any shortcoming that cannot be attributed to Maastricht Muffin Man because it is not due to its fault and is not for its account by virtue of the law, legal act or generally accepted practice.
All contacts and transactions with Maastricht Muffin Man are made subject to all rights and claims of Maastricht Muffin Man. No part of Maastricht Muffin Man’s publications or publications may be reproduced, stored in digital form, or made public in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of Maastricht Muffin Man.
Applicable law
Dutch law applies to all legal relations between Maastricht Muffin Man and its customers. Disputes between parties will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in the Netherlands.